
Friday 16 June 2017

Furphies, running Asteroids code and corrupt display lists!

The undocumented instructions were a bit of a furphy in the end; as George rightly suspected both instances were a result of a bad disassembly. A single byte immediately following a BEQ instruction turned out not to be code, and ignoring that byte produces a more sane disassembly. Unlike the Z80, a good portion of the 6502 instructions affect the Z flag, and in this case the branch will always be taken. A symptom of me not finishing the RE process completely.

On to more interesting developments; simply commenting out two (2) conditional branches in the main loop allows the code to run though unimpeded. FTR the 1st branch is waiting for the 60Hz 'VBLANK' interrupt and the 2nd is waiting for the DVG to finish rendering the previous frame.

As a result, the game code is running in (I'm assuming) attract mode, continually writing display lists to the shared RAM for each frame. And that's actually what I'm seeing in the MAME debugger!

However it's not all good news; although the first frame renders correctly (all of 4 bytes), the second and subsequent frames (in the order of 128 bytes) do not. The data starts off OK, then differs for a bit and then leaves a large gap of zero bytes, before continuing. However the last group of bytes also appear to be correct. And just to cover all bases, I replaced the above-mentioned conditional branches with NOP instructions so that the rest of the code was identical - same result.

Anyway, I only got a very brief period to work on this tonight, so haven't had the chance to investigate further. And as of right now, I have no concrete theory. Perhaps it's not running attract mode at all, but rather going into Service Mode? But why the zeroes? My next course of action is to feed the display list generated on the Apple II into a DVG emulator, and see what pops out!

1 comment:

  1. A furphy, eh? Google and Wikipedia were quick to explain. Gonna add that one to my mental thesaurus.
