
Wednesday 28 June 2017

Shifty operations and bitmaps!

Graphics! Norbert Kehrer was kind enough to send me some of the graphics data from his emulator - notably the character set, the player ship, and the asteroids. Given that his emulators run in 256x192 mode, I thought I'd start with the same to enable me to use his bitmaps as-is. Well, I did have to convert from 1BPP to 4BPP mode, writing a small C program to process Norbert's ASM source file.

At this stage I haven't bothered with bit-shifted data - being 4BPP there's only 2 copies anyway - it's enough to see what it's going to look like. Since the arcade Asteroids works with a 1024x1024 coordinate system, I first had to scale down to 256x192. And it's worth noting here that 192=128+64, which means scaling down Y can be done with shift & add operations only.

And somewhat inconveniently, the IIGS SHR screen is 160 bytes wide, so to find the video address of a coordinate, you need (Y*160 + X/2). Fortunately, 160=128+32, so again shift & add operations are sufficient. These calculations are generally only required when the display list contains a command to set the current coordinate (CUR). And at the risk of bragging, my scale and address calculation routine actually worked first go! Of course that's more than offset by all the stupid bugs I had doing trivial stuff.

First task was getting the characters displayed. Rather than use more calculations to find the character data address, I simply use a table of addresses. The routine simply renders 7 lines of 2 words at the current address, then adds 4 bytes to that. It's not perfect because there's no shifted data, but it's close.

It's worth noting that Asteroids uses several different font sizes by changing the global scale factor in the DVG. However Norbert hasn't emulated this behaviour, evidenced by the relative sizes of the score and high score text. Presumably his copyright text is a single purpose-rendered bitmap. I'm undecided at this point whether I'll follow suit.

Next task was getting some sort of representation of the asteroids themselves on the screen. Norbert's file had 19 bitmaps labelled as 'rocks'; I was expecting 4 asteroids in 3 sizes each, or a total of 12 asteroids. But for the moment I'm only rendering each of the 4 asteroids as the largest size and I'll have to investigate what the last 7 bitmaps actually represent at a later date (perhaps shrapnel?)

Lastly, there needs to be some sort of mechanism to wipe data from the previous frame. At 4BPP the SHR screen is 32KB and too big to wipe completely every frame. However, for now, that will have to suffice, so the video is very flickery, and quite slow, atm. Exactly how I optimise this, I'm undecided. It's worth noting here that in 1BPP mode, Norbert would have had to contend with 'only' 6KB of video memory...

Here's a still of the attract mode, showing 4 asteroids.

Yes, the asteroids are the correct shape too!

Next task is handling the different-sized asteroids, which should actually be quite trivial. That's about as far as I took the text version because after that, it all starts to get tricky!

And a 65816 trap-for-young-players - the MVP & MVN instructions change the data bank register! That wasn't documented in the first reference I was using, and I couldn't work out why my code was going into la-la land after using them.

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