
Wednesday 12 July 2017

Asteroids with a 'C'

On Friday nights my wife & I traditionally watch a show together with which I've become rather bored in recent times. Rather than waste that hour last week I decided to set up the laptop in front of the TV and work on some aspect of Asteroids that required a minimum level of concentration. Ultimately I decided to start work on the C port of Asteroids, mainly because it required a lot of crank-the-handle type coding up front before any real work was required. Like defining data structures for zero page variables and player RAM.

Aside from the aforementioned, I manage to also code the main routine and stubs for all the subroutines called from there. Then over the next few nights I was keen to take it a little further; implementing a rather more 'abstract' display list to aid not only in development and debugging, but also to facilitate the so-called tokenising I'd be doing in the 8-bit ports. That entailed a DVG 'disassembler' of sorts which subsequently morphed itself into a DVG interpreter/emulator which was soon rendering a few vectors on the display.

Of course time is ticking for WOzFest and I do need to bite the bullet on the tokenised display list and optimisations for the IIGS. However it has been a very useful exercise and I've discovered a few subtleties of the DVG which had escaped me until now. Regardless, I really need to put it aside for now and continue on with the IIGS port. In the mean-time, here's a sample rendering of what I have thus far.

Asteroids C port (Win7, GCC, Allegro)

Like my other C ports (Lode Runner and Knight Lore), the C code is as faithful to the original assembler source as practical, whilst optimising aspects of the original code such as using 16- and 32-bit variables rather than multiple bytes for things like addresses, scores, coordinates, etc. I retain all the same subroutines with the same names, albeit adding parameters for values passed in registers, etc. The logic within each routine is representative of the assembly code, differing only to accommodate the aforementioned optimisations and/or clarify the intent, without changing the underlying algorithm or compromising accuracy.

The end result is the same as the 8-bit assembler ports; a game that plays exactly - and looks as far as practical on the target hardware - the same as the original. And as I've discovered in the past, I've even been able to debug aspects of the assembler ports on the C version! In the case of Asteroids, I think the ability to inspect the display list so easily will come in handy down the track.

The C version should be portable to the Amiga and the Neo Geo at the very least. For Lode Runner the C port was an after-thought of the Coco3 (6809) port, but for Knight Lore, I developed it in parallel the with Coco3 port and it was, as I mentioned, very helpful. This time 'round, I'm undecided how I'll proceed once the IIGS port is finished...

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