
Wednesday 5 July 2017

Great minds think alike (or fools never differ).

Interesting to dissect Norbert's Atari800XL Asteroids emulator.

The aforementioned patches to the rendering routines actually implement an alternate display list, of sorts. For all the (alpha-numeric) characters and the extra ships, Norbert adds an entry to his own display list, using the character code directly (no reverse-lookup on JSR address required). He also assigns character code $FF for the DVG CUR command, and inserts the pre-scaled Atari display coordinates. This is essentially what I had in mind for 'tokenising' the display list to optimise for the Apple IIGS.

As described in my last post, the emulator hooks the main loop and calls out to three (3) subroutines.

The first routine is (as I subsequently discovered) the rendering routine and it only renders the display every 3rd call. It does something with self-modifying code that I'm yet to reverse-engineer, before rendering the asteroids directly from the player status RAM area. Next is rendering the player ship or explosion, depending again on the player status - something I'm actually doing now as a 'quick hack'... not so much of a hack as it turns out! And as I suspected, the relative coordinates (offset) of the thrust pixel is stored in a lookup table and plotted discretely. After that, the saucer is rendered, and then the shots (saucer and player), before the alternate display list (characters) is finally rendered. At the end of the routine it appears to handle the high score entry, and then mess with ANTIC registers - and I'm way out of my depth here!

I've missed the copyright message in there somewhere, but perhaps it's done at startup and never deleted from the ANTIC display list? Not worth pursuing further since it's not relevant to the IIGS or likely any other hardware I'll be porting to.

The second hook routine emulates the inputs, and the third the sound.

And as I suspected, when the player status RAM bank switch is hit (changed), the emulator simply swaps 256 bytes between $200 and $300.

So what will I be taking away from this?

I like the idea of the alternate display list, though perhaps with the arcade 'source' it'll be easier for me to simply re-purpose the DVG shared RAM. Certainly it would appear that 'tokenising' the display list is the way to go. I would also eliminate all the dead code that makes up the current display list. And not having to iterate over player status RAM - essentially for the 2nd time each frame - should speed things up a little too.

I'll use Norbert's lookup table for the thrust, but instead use it to pre-render a 2nd set of bitmaps for the player ship. Again, not having the extra look-up and calculations to render a single pixel will increase performance further.

I should also be able to find the ship explosion bitmap(s) in there somewhere, if I can navigate the eccentricities of the Atari 800XL display hardware!

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