
Wednesday 16 August 2017

IIGS is no slam-dunk. Coco3 is looking good though...

Slow going on the Apple IIGS front, but I've finally figured out my half-screen issue when shadowing is enabled. After banging my head against a brick wall for a few days, I decided to look at the MAME driver source for the IIGS and immediately found the issue. Because the legacy Apple II hires screen memories overlap the SHR screen memory, you also need to disable the respective bits for those in the SHADOW register. And voila - a blank screen!

Now I've hit another snag. I was intending to use so-called PEI-slamming to update the modified areas of the SHR screen, which require that the direct page and stack are located in BANK1. However, I can't make any sense of the soft switches that control the bank for these and the current state doesn't make sense either. After putting out a call for help I've had a couple of responses but I'm still none-the-wiser.

Somewhat discouragingly, I did a quick experiment double-rendering the frame (one with shadowing disabled, the other enabled) and it's running a bit slower than the arcade game. Granted PEI-slamming will help, but it's going to be tight!

Whilst I'm struggling with IIGS technical issues I got impatient and started on the Coco3 (6809) port. Thus far I have a skeleton main loop that initialises the object table and adds the extra lives to the display list. I've coded up a skeleton rendering routine and fleshed out the CUR command and the tokenised command to display an extra life. It's far from optimal but it works!

First rendering on the Coco3

It's been mostly cut-and-paste from 6502 until this point. Again, the one thorn is the indirect indexed addressing mode of the 6502 but, unlike Lode Runner, it's not as extensively used in Asteroids. Other than that, there's endianity to be mindful of and I've actually swapped the byte order of words in the display list for more efficient rendering. I think this port is going to fall out relatively easily!

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