
Friday 4 August 2017

VCF West Preview

I've had a kind offer to demonstrate Asteroids for the Apple IIGS at VCF West so today I added a quick text-mode splash screen.

Last-minute splash screen and loading bar (mid-load)

Datajerk's c2d utility allows you to display a text splash screen whilst the game is loading. It requires a dump of $400 bytes from text memory which of course on the Apple is a dog's breakfast. So I whipped up a quick C program that would allow me to easily layout my screen and then write out a binary dump compatible with Apple II text screen memory.

Some eye-candy from the latest build.

End of game - attract mode

High score list

Will be interesting to gauge the reaction of attendees. Unfortunately it's still pre-alpha so there's glitches and flickering, but it was a last-minute offer.

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