
Sunday, 25 April 2021

And then I went and spoiled it all by doing something stupid like explode you...

 I've added the player, player explosion and rocket explosion. And in the process I've encountered my first stubbon bug since I began the transcode.

The player explosion is obviously wrong

You can see that the player explosion is using the same sprite for both halves of the ship. Trouble is, I've checked and double-checked the code, printed debug messages, and I still can't explain it. It's driving me nuts. Here's hoping a new day will shed some light.

That aside, there is a *LOT* of code for the collision detection and explosions. The top level collision routine calls no less than 13 subroutines, each checking collisions between a player/bullet/bomb and object/landscape. And there'll be a lot of cut-and-paste in those routines. I'd even estimate that once I've completed both, I'll be 75-80% through the transcode. The remainder will be for coining up, player controls and mechanics of one and two player games and scoring.

Stay tuned.

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