
Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Preliminary map.

As usual not a lot of time on the weekends and today (Monday) was no different. I did however have a chance to play around with some map generating code.

Here's a preliminary map. I need to add background colour and I'll also throw in some stars just to indicate where they are/aren't visible. I should add level markers and I could also add the ufo and fireballs to their respective areas. I might also throw in some counts of the various objects, and maybe total points value.

Preliminary map of Scramble

It's 1,430 characters or 11,440 pixels wide (approximately 51 screens) including the flat strip at the start which technically isn't part of the landscape meta data, but rather tacked on to the start of each area when you're starting over with a new ship. The landscape scrolls 1 pixel every VBLANK interrupt and the colour changes every 512 interrupts/pixels. There are 7 colour palettes for the landscape (colour set 1 isn't used for some reason, although it is cycled in an explosion).

UPDATE: Added stage markers

Added title screen text and stage markers

UPDATE #2: Added background colour, stars, ufos and fireballs

Release candidate

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