
Saturday, 25 February 2023

Running on real NGCD hardware!

One step forward, two steps backwards perhaps?

Firstly, I burned a CDR and tested Xevious on my NGCD. Works as expected! I can also confirm that high score load/save (to/from virtual memory card) works fine on the NGCD hardware as well - yay!

Xevious running on real NGCD hardware!

During play testing however, I noticed another bug today. I also confirmed one of the two existing gameplay bugs - extra Solvalou suddenly starting to appear every hit - is definitely still an issue.

The new bug, which I haven't really noticed before, is the Solvalou suddenly exploding for no reason! In hindsight I may have seen a hint only a few days ago, after fixing the "hanging bullets" issue, but at the time I thought it was due to a teleporting Zakato. Not so it seems...

So I have 3 outstanding issues, one yet to be re-confirmed.

Another observation; I do get "sparklies" on the screen. I noticed this on my AES, but couldn't discount the fact that it was crappy output/cabling. Now that I get the same issue on the NGCD, I'm forced to concede that it may well be my programming (although I'm using the same cables). Not a show-stopper by any means, but would be nice to find the cause and eliminate it...

And as a reminder to myself; I also need to generate the proper FIX layer for the NGCD.

UPDATE: Fix layer for NGCD done (just needed to copy the cart FIX ROM and rename).

A bit more play testing. High score load/save working on NGCD. The random explosion of the Solvalou seems to be related to the Bacura; at the very least it happens more often with Bacura on the screen. Hopefully a good clue. Sparklies my issue; my splash screen is rock-solid.

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